Sacred Meditation

Full Moon Meditation available on my YouTube channel


I offer regular sacred meditations on Zoom that convey transmissions of cosmic Truth. They offer profound connections with Mary Magdalene and other luminous ascended masters to receive insightful guidance that is appropriate to each participant. Everyone is welcome.

It is an honour and a blessing for me to be a channel for the information that flows in unconditional Love, without any attachment from me to an outcome. This gives everyone freedom to receive the inspiration in the way that resonates for them.

These meditations are beautifully guided by me, and I create and hold safe, sacred space, gridding each person with light, so that they can relax deeply to receive the wisdom, guidance, healing and inspiration channelled from ascended masters, including Mary Magdalene, Merlin, Saint Germain, Archangel Michael and Melchizedek.

"The synchronicity of your meditation was profound for me in what feels like a reawakening of an ancient part of me. I really felt that my aura was receiving new frequencies and colours" Elaine

Each gentle meditation includes information about incoming light codes and energy upgrades and opportunities to step forward on your path with confidence and clarity. The sacred ascended masters share insights about the transformative opportunities offered by the higher realms to us - we are the beacons of light on Earth. Together we shine these beautiful energies that illuminate and inspire us, into unity consciousness.

Meditations last approximately 1 hour and often take place at the equinoxes, solstices, eclipses and new moons. If you would like to receive details about the next meditation please contact me.

“It was so inspiring and energising and really important for me. I am feeling very clear, inspired and light” Thomas

Some short under 10 minute meditations are on YouTube, for whenever you would like to feel centred and in your flow, to be able to let go of energy that no longer serves you, to receive the vibrations of beauty, grace and love. Here is a link to my YouTube Channel

Water Alchemy Meditation. Watch the full version on my YouTube channel

"Your meditations are so gentle and help me so much to release. I feel totally safe, otherwise I wouldn't be able to let go. Thats why the angelic realm and the ascended masters have chosen you." Monika