"Listen to the song of your heart! What rich melodies are waiting to be sung? What makes your heart sing with joy? By bringing your attention to your heart, and by asking your heart what emotions and feelings does your heart wish to experience, you start to know the song of your heart. When we let our hearts sing, together we create symphonies of love!" Mary Magdalene, channelled by Caroline, Summer Solstice 2022

Mary Magdalene’s frequency is pure Love and her extraordinary light is powerful. She inspires wisdom, beauty, grace and compassion. Photo of The Pilgrimage of Light, part of the Sacred Magdalene Festival in Glastonbury, captured by Ben Birchall

Caroline Glazebrook

I feel her light in my energy field like a golden alchemy that weaves with magnificent threads of unconditional Love, the highest wisdom of multiple dimensions, and the illumination of the sun and stars. It is joyous, radiant and magnificent. My connection with Mary Magdalene is like a continuously blossoming rose in my heart.

Mary Magdalene offers a beautiful rose from the sacred rose lineage to everyone. It is exquisitely perfumed and offered freely, without any expectation or obligation. Mary Magdalene’s rose invites you to fill up your heart with divine radiance.

The sacred rose embodies pure Love, unlimited abundance and joy. It inspires alignment to cosmic Truth, to become your I AM presence, with the gift of being fully present and in your authentic flow.

Remembrances of Mary Magdalene and her beautiful wisdom began for me years ago in Rennes les Bains in the south of France, beside the alchemical river Sals. I received messages from her and visions of the importance of these waters and other sacred springs for healing and awakening consciousness. It is the heart that sees the light within the sacred waters and can hear their wise messages.

I have walked with Mary Magdalene ever since, together weaving a pathway with golden threads of love, wisdom and grace to share with others.

Rose and dew Caroline

Mary Magdalene does not demand worship or require certain behaviour to win her approval. There is no hierarchy, no fear, no control. Instead there is sacred sisterhood, brotherhood and unity.

This way of the rose path of love is not about historical facts, rooted in the past. frequency is a vibrant, living frequency now.

She offers an ethereal path of cosmic rose petals to experience her, to feel her illumination and inspiration that kindle a fire of grace, power and wisdom in your heart, that once lit, is eternal.

The rose heart path is the way of honouring yourself, respecting everyone with love and compassion, with gratitude for myriad blessings in your life.

Mary Magdalene glass window

“Take a quiet moment each day to look within to the Divine Rose that dwells in your heart. As you see the Light that you are, you clear away the thorns that menace your equilibrium.

“Your moment of gentle kindness to yourself, reminds you of your grace, your beauty and your light. Let your heart and your light be free to shine and know your truth.

“When many of you take this daily quiet moment - together you clear away thorns that prick and wound collective consciousness.

“Together you allow Divine Rose energy to touch the hearts of many. Together you inspire love. Your unified light that shines and your unified hearts that love, create unity consciousness” Mary Magdalene, channelled August 2021 by Caroline

With love and blessings to you, Caroline ♥︎

Please contact me if this resonates and you would like to discover more about the sacred Magdalene teachings, workshops, pilgrimages and meditations that I offer.